Ensure that you import the necessary namespaces for the IB2CUserService and B2CUserService.
2. Registering a New App in Azure B2C Tenant:
To register a new app in your Azure B2C tenant, perform the following steps:
Sign in to the Azure portal and navigate to the Azure Active Directory B2C service.
Select “App registrations” and then click on “New registration”.
Provide a name for your application and select the appropriate Supported account types.
Enter the Redirect URI for your application.
Click on “Register” to create the new app registration.
3. Obtaining Client ID, Creating a Secret, and Getting Tenant and Instance IDs:
After registering the app in Azure B2C, follow these steps to obtain the necessary IDs and secrets:
Note down the Application (client) ID, which serves as the Client ID for your app.
Under the “Certificates & secrets” section, generate a new client secret and note down the generated secret value.
Obtain the Azure B2C Tenant ID and Instance ID from the Azure portal.
4. Setting Appropriate API Permissions:
Ensure that your newly created app has the following Graph API permissions:
User.ReadWrite.All: Allows the application to read and write all users’ full profiles.
IdentityFlow.Read.All: Allows the application to read all identity flows.
Applications.Read.All: Allows the application to read all applications.
These permissions can be set in the “API permissions” section of your app registration in the Azure portal.
5. Creating a Policy for B2C Users Admin:
To create a policy called “B2CUsersAdmin” that users will be a part of to access the RCL pages inside the RCL, follow these steps:
Navigate to the “Identity Experience Framework” section in your Azure B2C tenant.
Select “Policies” and then click on “New policy”.
Choose “Sign-up or sign-in” as the policy type and provide a name for the policy (e.g., “B2CUsersAdmin”).
Configure the necessary settings for the policy, such as Identity providers, Claims, and Application claims.
Save the policy settings.
Once the policy is created, users assigned to this policy will have access to the RCL pages inside the RCL.
Congratulations! You have successfully set up dependency injection for the B2CUserService, registered a new app in Azure B2C, obtained the required IDs and secrets, set appropriate API permissions, and created a policy for B2C Users Admin to access the RCL pages. You can now integrate the B2C User Management Razor Class Library into your web application.